Kirupa fourm

check this out its a bug!!!<–fixed by kirupa :wink:

scroll down the the bottom of the thread it doesn’t make sense :stuck_out_tongue:

there is a pic =)

whoooa that is funny and cool!! how did he do that??!?

i guess he posted a JavaScript function that i bord doesn’t like =)

whoa… thats really wierd lol

**** i can’t really view source, does anyone know what he wrote? i wanna try :stuck_out_tongue:

lol! this should be more secure! We can do all kinds of mod stuff by posting! :stuck_out_tongue:


kirupa will have too do some thing about it before some one starts doing it ever where!!

It’s kind of weird. Here is a screenshot of the source:

well thats on right mess :stuck_out_tongue:

fixed :slight_smile:

now that’s how things get fixed around here! :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by kirupa *
**fixed :slight_smile: **

