::::::kirupa Gifts::::::

I’ll just have to find out then :bad:

  • Soul :s:

Hehe. Check your PMs too… :slight_smile:

I replied agesss ago :P:P

  • Soul :s:

Ok maybe not :-\ Shush! :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

Miss Kitttt… you’re bras are ready!

I never thought I’d say that lol!

I’ve slaved over them hard and long, here they are… :love:

Girly pink…


Virginal innocent white…


Sexy black…


And passionate red…


  • Soul :s:

lol! Very nicee bras man!

lol, and what a thoughtful gift!

i already gave syko his gift :stuck_out_tongue: and that’s webspace… lol! and soul, i think you should make some bottoms for kit too, she needs to be decent, you know…


I hope Kit likes them

  • Soul :s:

*Originally posted by Starpromo *
**it looks like a ratish freak devil… and that red thing with horns is just plain weird. **

you have to select the image to open the gift :wink: (click on it and press ctrl+a)

Be more clever next time and it’ll work!!!

:stuck_out_tongue: jk

If you’re just going around making people things… then I’m gonna pester you until you make me something.

I don’t know what this thingy symbolizes yet, but I WILL FIGURE IT OUT!!!

you know the little unlocked padlock at the bottom of internet explorer. I want that thingy in pixel, but with a zipper… pully… zipper zipping piece trying to unlock it… and this is going on inside a beer cap. If you’re into logos, Molson Canadian.

Is the thingy that pulls down on zippers the zipper, or is it the inter-twining metal thingy that are the zipper. I want the zipper head thing. not the little metal pieces that go together.

So… do both have to be together to be called a zipper? or is it just like… one thing… cause if I saw a zipper without the head thing, I’d still know it’s a zipper. So is that the zipper? …But without the head thing it can’t really zip… the head thing zips… so is it the zipper? But if you saw IT alone… you’d probably recognize it, but it’s still just a piece of shapey metal thing…

kewl i will give people skulls :beam: (ducks and starts running from everyone) lol

Aislin you scare me runs from him

Grim, you want me to make it for you? :slight_smile:

  • Soul :s:

So… do both have to be together to be called a zipper? or is it just like… one thing… cause if I saw a zipper without the head thing, I’d still know it’s a zipper. So is that the zipper? …But without the head thing it can’t really zip… the head thing zips… so is it the zipper? But if you saw IT alone… you’d probably recognize it, but it’s still just a piece of shapey metal thing…
I don’t know what you’ve been drinking, but it seems like good stuff… :slight_smile:

hehehe… :stuck_out_tongue:

How you enjoying Kit bra Eilsoe? Look at the one she gave me! :beam:


  • Soul :s:

I’ve got this one… :slight_smile:

hhhmmm bras…

i want one :slight_smile:

I made em Star :beam:

  • Soul :s:

yeah but i dont one of yours… obviously… you shouldnt be wearing them anyway!

Then neither should you. :slight_smile: