Soul's wooden spoon - the new kirupa honor

well i was very honoured and flattered to have recieved this from Soul today

bcoz he said

Yup, only special people recieve one

my question is…

if you had to resort to foul means to obtain one i.e. bribery…

what would you be prepared to offer him…

a wooden fork!

or… a matching wooden plate… or knife!

that wood be great

*Originally posted by mariofan *
**that wood be great **

good one :wink:

haha… well, anorak also has another honor… he’s linked in my footer… so that’s two points for you man…

:beam: I try

haha… well, anorak also has another honor… he’s linked in my footer… so that’s two points for you man…

he he…

no worries m8…

its great to be the centre of attention…

ha ha…

Im not big (good) at pixel art…

So here is my present…When it is deserved.

Fester’s Machette of Fun

:skull: :skull: :skull:

:whistle: :whistle: :whistle:

hopefully i have done nothing to desrerve that wee baby!!!

i’ll be good…

i promise…

:beam: :beam: :beam:

:skull: :skull: :skull: :skull:

:skull: :skull: :skull: :skull:

AnOraK’s heas rolls acress the floor

<b> anyone else? </b>


i’m sure if i had a heas it would b sore…

but thanxx 4 taking the time to slice/chop/stab/saw/remove it…



**Chops off own <b>heas<b/>

My +

my question is…

if you had to resort to foul means to obtain one i.e. bribery…

what would you be prepared to offer him…
I think I’ve got an unfair advantage here, being female… :stuck_out_tongue:

Being as you already have one of my spoons! :beam:

  • Soul :s:

That too, yeah. :slight_smile:

How many of the things to you have? :slight_smile:

Only enough to distribute to special people… got to be sparring :slight_smile:

  • Soul :s:

I was wondering if it was kind of a bottomless drawer full of them…

Only enough to distribute to special people… got to be sparring


that must of been in the small print…

u never metioned it would involve fisticuffs 4 me to get my spoon…


To fight with an opponent in a short bout or practice session, as in boxing or the martial arts.

To make boxing or fighting motions without hitting one’s opponent.

To bandy words about in argument; dispute.

To fight by striking with the feet and spurs.

r we allowed to wear gloves…

just in case i hurt yah ha ha

must warn u…

i know kawate…