Kirupa Nintedo Cult Thread#2

Add me too the member list, Nintendo kicks ***!! Especially the megaman games (hence the username).

ad this to your sig.
[.size=1]: Kirupa Nintendo Cult Member 19 :[./size]
without the dots.

Welcome Nr. 19

Sheez, don’t be so serious. It was just a quick question. Somebody mentioned Halo after I posted my thoughts on the N64 is all. Didn’t want a poll or anything…

:huh: :frowning:

goldeneye was great but halo is just so much more open with so many possibilities. So I’d say Halo :smirk:

coughits gh0sts faultcough :beam:

Thanks, man. I’ve never played Halo you see and I was just curious. :wink:

Um Okay guys. Thanks for stopping this argument :).

A couple of things.

  • I NEVER said any system was better than others so dont bring that statement in here.

  • Um…goldeneye rocked, but we have Halo now. Comon, dont compare those two. It’s like, just the stupidest thing. Halo is new and you cant say GE is better than it…because its not, I’m saying this because I think goldeneye is the bomb but still…

Everyone at E3 and school and on this forums…like its obvious. One thing that would be shameful is to say that GoldenEye is better than Halo…its just like frustrating to hear that. Comon get a grip. None of you said it is, but lets keep it that way.

Did I mention how much of a cheater I am? I LOVED shooting the hats off the russians in the bathroom as a ghost with the golden pistol…lmao.

SO LETS END THIS RIGHT HERE and let the nintendo cult go back to nintendo stuff :).

BTW - Thanks ghost :P.

Yeah go away… let us get back to Nintendo stuff :wink:

Hey werent u the one who wanted to be in our team?

Careful ncult, he might BEEETRRAY YOOUUUUUUU lol (jk).


Love this… I want it. BAck to the past!


…How does “was” reply/respond to the question. I’d understand “wanted” but…hmm…wierd.

Thanks for clearing that up for me Sharif. That was all I wanted to know. Didn’t want to start an argument or anything!

Guess I’ll go an buy Halo now… :thumb:

pretty cool site, the classis one that is. All i want is the zalda one though

Whew I’m glad this is over :P.

Just curious - when do you guys wanna make the sites?

We should start the battle early june :).

A site… Well My exames Are nearly over… :slight_smile: Tuesday I have English That’s going to be a breaze… With the manny hours is sick into this forum and chatting to english friends I have become master!.. So that’s going to be a 9. And the on thursday I have WiB1,2 for the english… Math Only then at the most advanced level you can get it. :stuck_out_tongue: Woot I rock! These to subjects are Way easy… But I’ll still need to study. Especially English… It’s hard to learn :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice Sig, ava combi… Sharif :slight_smile:

Siriouse Guys of the nintendo cult Sign up for this! OMG I signed up… Straight AWAY! I want to join!

It’s playing video games all summer long and getting paid to do it! Yeah, we know it sounds too good to be true, but if you have what it takes to make the cut then you can live the dream as a member of the Nintendo Street Team. These elite crews of video game enthusiasts will be attending this summer’s hottest events to showcase Nintendo GameCube, Game Boy Advance SP and killer games for each system. At each of these events, Street Team members will be outfitted with the latest games from Nintendo to show off to the public.

dOOds I am Nearly going to burst here! I NEED TO GET IN!!! AAAAAHHH!!!

i want to do that soo bad… Unfortunately, i am only 13. BOOOOO HOO!

Darn! who else? COme on guys… We should be ably to get One Guy on this trip.

hmm… hey t-o, are you in the us? What location did you apply to, and did you make that tape and all? I would do it but I don’t wanna lose my job to be a N-TOOL heh… well maybe I can get that time off…

Meh, I’m 13 too… :frowning:

btw: MY SPACEBAR IS ALL STICKY WHEN IT GOES DOWN!!! Can anyone tell me how to safely remove it from my keyboard and then clean it and then snap it back in?