Nintendo cult thread

[SIZE=4][u]The Kirupa Nintendo Cult[/u][/SIZE]

nintendoooooooo is ownzz… yea!
if you don’t agree with this hypoteshise don’t post.

check the site.

Post under her if you want to join the Kirupa Nintendo Cult.

Current members:[list][size=1][]Nr1. T-O
]Nr2. t3h t3rminator
]Nr3. Master64
]Nr4. sk8ing
]Nr5. cartoonfox
]Nr6. mariofan
[]Nr7. junahu
]Nr8. SureShot
[]Nr9. splict
]Nr10. E1KO
[]Nr11. revolution
]Nr12. danielthelion
[*]Nr13. egnawg101

I would like to join the Kirupa Nintento Cult

Because I think there is no such thing as a better game company than Nintendo!

(today I’m going out to get a GBA, so I can play Mario on the go!)

i have a old gameboy, a gameboy color, a GBA, N64 and the NGC…[size=1]no NES :frowning: [/size]

so i guess i should be in the cult


t3h t3rminator

is nr 2



is nr 3 :slight_smile:

NINTENDO RULEZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

just add
[size=1]Kirupa Nintendo Cult Member $yournumber[/size]
to your sig :slight_smile:

and your in

*Originally posted by T-O *
just add
[size=1]Kirupa Nintendo Cult Member $yournumber[/size]
to your sig :slight_smile:

and your in **

no :stuck_out_tongue:

that is too much to ask :stuck_out_tongue:



go SEGA! :stuck_out_tongue:

Whoohooo! I just got my gameboy adv. sp! These things rock…

i like nintendo
i just wish they leaned a lil bit more 2 some adult and teen games
mario kart double dash is amazin i just i wish i can play it online:(
does any one else play mario kart double dash?

I have Mario Cart: Double Dash!
Very fun, I don’t like it (at all) without a lot of people over.

WOOHOO!!! I am not banned anny more!!!

Yea i got dubble Dash! It is an awesome game, espasially when you play it with 4 friends. There is really nothing revulutionair new with the consept of racing but I like it.

Ok this is a rumore that i hurd going around. For a larger game you can link a few gamecube’s together. Ok but that wans’t the rumore was that i hurd that a few student alreaddy succeede in making a modification. To get the online With this game.

I’m sure you can get online with Mario Cart Double Dash. Probably some MIT Engineers… Kirupa?


I got one thing to say…:drool:…go microsoft! My bad, I just hadda let that out :bu:…Anyways, what are you guys gonna do in the “cult”?

We say up late chanting round a fire. casting spells on our enemies and prasing are GOD’s. Nintendo And it allies.

We stay up late, chant around a fire, cast spells on our enemies, and priase the CEO of Nintendo and its allies.

Are last meeting :thumb: :stuck_out_tongue:

pritty dope crew

That’s me with the weird lepord print pants. (it’s “our” not “are” :P)

They are pigs!
That’s our food!

I sense some jealousy. Poor nintendo…

Lets avoid flame wars, ok Sharif?

We all have different opinions

Favorite zelda? I think it will always be ‘Link to the past’ probably fav game ever :slight_smile: SuperScope Six? Yeah, had it w/ two of its carts (don’t know how that happened) but I just sold 'em. Unfortunately I had to or I would have had no home to put them in :frowning: