i like nintendo
i just wish they leaned a lil bit more 2 some adult and teen games
mario kart double dash is amazin i just i wish i can play it online:(
does any one else play mario kart double dash?
Yea i got dubble Dash! It is an awesome game, espasially when you play it with 4 friends. There is really nothing revulutionair new with the consept of racing but I like it.
Ok this is a rumore that i hurd going around. For a larger game you can link a few gamecube’s together. Ok but that wans’t the rumore was that i hurd that a few student alreaddy succeede in making a modification. To get the online With this game.
Favorite zelda? I think it will always be ‘Link to the past’ probably fav game ever SuperScope Six? Yeah, had it w/ two of its carts (don’t know how that happened) but I just sold 'em. Unfortunately I had to or I would have had no home to put them in