Ok undoubtingly someone from their company will -probably- end up reading this. But oh well!
I need a few tips/hints/ideas about the whole interview process in the creative field. I’m guessing a decent handful of Kirupites have gone through the process.
I’ve got three like “catagories”
[]How should I dress? I have anything from Tshirt and Jeans to a full suit and Tie.[/LIST][/LIST][LIST]
[]Interview Process[LIST]
[]Is there anything I should “definatly” say or not say? I’m planning on showing them a few portfolio pieces again if I can.
[]This is a “second” interview after a phone one, after the interview process and into the Lunch / Coding Exercise it’s ok to be a bit more relaxed right?[/LIST][/LIST][LIST]
[]After-Interview Questions[LIST]
[*]Is it appropriate to ask when I might hear back from then and if so should I do this before leaving or just follow up in a few days via phone / email.[/LIST][/LIST]
It’s not alot of questions, the one I really am curious about is the whole Dress Code thing, I’ve heard a ton of mixed thoughts about it since the creative industry is rather “slack” in dress code. I was planning on wearing a non-tuck in collared shirt, Suit/Sports Jacket, Jeans, Sketchers. Nearly the same thing I wore to my graduation.
Obviously! they probably wont care too much but I definatly want to make a good impression.
Any help would be great!