Kirupa & Spam Pics

and no, you´re the first to see it :wink:


Be forwarned… use of my likeness, without specific written authorization by me, or by the Major League Baseball Executive Offices, is strictly forbidden.

I don’t believe in lawyers (I do believe in Fairies), so at this time I will be cultivating my cunning plan to retaliate…

just fair warning (I am calling you a name in Portugese right now, that Kman won’t let me use here)…

:beam: :beam: :beam: :beam:

nice job dude…




and…thanks rev! i was waiting for your aproval :wink:

Guig0, I’ll add your graphic up tomorrow :slight_smile: Red, who is the guy in there - someone from the forums? :slight_smile:

Kirupa :rambo:

kirupa - i think he got that pic from google.:beam:

mistake… :crazy:

Shane, check my first post in this page… :wink:

*Originally posted by Guig0 *
**comemorative lost spam-can for the 10.000th posts

[SIZE=1]ps: would be cool if you place this title nest to the image on the Propaganda page ;)[/SIZE] **

LOL!!! AHHHH, I am on a can of spam!!!

Wow… my ear looks gigantic… :crazy:

The way my hair is cut out is choppy too… but then again… it must be hard cutting out spiked hair :slight_smile:

Rev’s Foods…HAHAHAHA… :slight_smile:

glad to see that you guys liked =)

so, do i have your aproval? :wink:

Hey Guig0,
I’ll add the pic tomorrow. Note, I am only adding pics that are relevant to the forums or the site - not general spam pics hehe. For example, the one with lost’s face on it is relevant to the site, and if he doesn’t mind, I’ll add it up :flower:

Kirupa :geek:

Kiruuuuupaaaaa add mine!

I don’t mind Kirupa.

Aislin: Kirupa doesn’t charge anything… so why does it matter if he “takes it all” (which sounds REALLY wrong dude)?

mine is relevant.
read this post:

Cool :ub: !


Hey guig0,
I added your pic in. The pictures should be immediately obvious for the people who see these pictures what/who it is about - while the thread and the picture do correlate, the average person won’t be able to connect the dots and draw a conclusion :slight_smile:

Kirupa :bandit:

…it is better this way :slight_smile:

I had made this one to celebrate kirupa moving to media temple.
Use it if u want

Ok guys, here’s something I already posted, but I guess I should post it here too. Enjoy. =)

i´ve never seen this pic… it is just… perfect! :A+:

really nice! =)

Thanks guigo, I didnt know what kind of clothes to give you so I just gave you the same color clothes you have on your footer. =)