and no, you´re the first to see it
Be forwarned… use of my likeness, without specific written authorization by me, or by the Major League Baseball Executive Offices, is strictly forbidden.
I don’t believe in lawyers (I do believe in Fairies), so at this time I will be cultivating my cunning plan to retaliate…
just fair warning (I am calling you a name in Portugese right now, that Kman won’t let me use here)…
:beam: :beam: :beam: :beam:
nice job dude…
and…thanks rev! i was waiting for your aproval
Guig0, I’ll add your graphic up tomorrow Red, who is the guy in there - someone from the forums?
Kirupa :rambo:
kirupa - i think he got that pic from google.:beam:
mistake… :crazy:
Shane, check my first post in this page…
*Originally posted by Guig0 *
**comemorative lost spam-can for the 10.000th posts
[SIZE=1]ps: would be cool if you place this title nest to the image on the Propaganda page ;)[/SIZE] **
LOL!!! AHHHH, I am on a can of spam!!!
Wow… my ear looks gigantic…
The way my hair is cut out is choppy too… but then again… it must be hard cutting out spiked hair
Rev’s Foods…HAHAHAHA…
glad to see that you guys liked =)
so, do i have your aproval?
Hey Guig0,
I’ll add the pic tomorrow. Note, I am only adding pics that are relevant to the forums or the site - not general spam pics hehe. For example, the one with lost’s face on it is relevant to the site, and if he doesn’t mind, I’ll add it up :flower:
Kirupa :geek:
Kiruuuuupaaaaa add mine!
I don’t mind Kirupa.
Aislin: Kirupa doesn’t charge anything… so why does it matter if he “takes it all” (which sounds REALLY wrong dude)?
mine is relevant.
read this post:
Cool :ub: !
Hey guig0,
I added your pic in. The pictures should be immediately obvious for the people who see these pictures what/who it is about - while the thread and the picture do correlate, the average person won’t be able to connect the dots and draw a conclusion
Kirupa :bandit:
…it is better this way
I had made this one to celebrate kirupa moving to media temple.
Use it if u want
Ok guys, here’s something I already posted, but I guess I should post it here too. Enjoy. =)
i´ve never seen this pic… it is just… perfect! :A+:
really nice! =)
Thanks guigo, I didnt know what kind of clothes to give you so I just gave you the same color clothes you have on your footer. =)