Kirupa & Spam Pics

okay if I call you “Dick” for short?


here’s another one… hope you like! I dont have access to my server here, so it will have to be an attachment.

Hey lavaboy,
The graphic is nice, but it is too plain to go on the page. Maybe having the text curve around an actual pepsi bottle/can/etc.? The yahoo! one was simple, but nice because that’s almost instantly recognizable as the yahoo style :slight_smile:

Kirupa :rambo:

It was Guigo-


*Originally posted by Piggie *
**It was Guigo-

piggie **

what was Guigo?? what did he done now?!? :bad:

*Originally posted by Guig0 *
**what was Guigo?? what did he done now?!? :bad: **

Oh nothing, we’re just talking about who’s getting banned next. :-\

he´s a worthles flasher, even worst designer…what he´s good for? on top of all he´s a spammer with no sense of humor…the worst kind of spammer :bad:

does this qualify as propoganda?
if not, there needs to be ea kirupaforum propoganda thing… cuz i spent lots of time on this



packing bags, walking slowly tward door while phil is talking about being elected as world dictator. alex is hopeing get-a-way car is waiting out side

=) =) j/k=)

there is…NO… escape
your ephphorts are phutile

*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
**piggie said something nice about Guigo—

leave Guigo alone, hes a rather nice little brazillian boy, and well mannered too.

pj :P:P:P **

i really don´t know what you guys see in that guig0…anyways, what nice thing did piggie said about him?
before you answer me let me get my notepad so i can write that nice thing about guig0 and never forget it… there, you can say now…:eye:

I’m pretty sure i got everything…
I feel spejul!
see… all this greatness you are finding… it definately deserves to be in there…

did y ou notice the phile and phavorites things also? and the address bar? and like 29384324.2(ish) other things?

lok that looked like that took alot of time. =)

oh yes… it did
and years of training:elderly:
thats it…

but it really did take some time… lots of thought put into it… stuffs a lot more complicated up close

PHAQ’s. That is killer.:stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**Ok guys, here’s something I already posted, but I guess I should post it here too. Enjoy. =)

LOL!!! I cant believe I missed this twice :!:

love it!!! :wink:

thats an awesome idea. i saw a commercial for the builder during an episode. kudos to the creator :slight_smile:

here’s one

*Originally posted by senocular *
**LOL!!! I cant believe I missed this twice :!:

love it!!! :wink: **

hahah I’m glad you like it Sen, I was wondering when you were going to comment on it. :beam: