I am trying to follow the Kirupa tutorial here:
I have a dynamic text box with multiline set to no wrap and the dynamic text box with an instance name of output. I have removed the www.kirupa link to the flash.css in the tutorial and placed a file called flash.css in the same directory as everything else on my server.
So I have:
var format = new TextField.StyleSheet();
var path = "flash.css";
var quick = "<br><p class='one'>The quick Kirupa jumps over the lazy dog.</p><br><p class='two'>The quick Kirupa jumps over the lazy dog.</p><br><p class='three'>The quick Kirupa jumps over the lazy dog.</p><br><p class='four'>The quick Kirupa jumps over the lazy dog.</p>";
format.onLoad = function(loaded) {
if (loaded) {
output.styleSheet = format;
output.text = quick;
} else {
output.text = "Error loading CSS file!";
I am using the AS as posted in the tutorial, but can’t see any text at all. I have the <> HTML button pressed down.
What might be wrong with this?