Kirupaforum, Communist Dicatorship?

Okay listen to my theory.

I was sitting around and thinking and I came up with the idea is that Kirupaforum is a communist dictatorship.

Obviously is Kirupa is the dictator with his chosen elites (mods) whatever the Kirupaforum state says is law, and all the members must agree, and we must all pretend it makes sense, no matter what. kirupa’s secret police (Mods) control all the actions of the members how they see fit, and all any writings that does not agree with the state (kirupaforum) is censored or confiscated and destroyed (send to the “forbidden forum”) And everything is controled by this elite few with the mass member majority having no power at all.

Everyone is encouraged to contribute(write tutorials) for the state(forum)but to do it for free so it can be for the benifet of state. Everything contributed by the members is always for the benifet of the state. Kirupa is also idolized by many (“Great site kirupa” threads) and made in this form of a glorious leader. Nothing bad can be said of the Glorious Leader or of his Secret Police, or those shall be deported or sent to the gulag without any form of trial by the members. (Banned)

:smiley: You know your a charmer Kirupa! Even though your one of us Commies :smiley:

Yes, O’ Glorious leader! We shall get the mouse and squirl!

Hope, no one takes offence!

I know EG’s footers always adazzle me…

About that commie theory - where are teh bombs ?

MvGiver, I’m honored…

but still, I want to address all the people who have beforehand tried to spell my name… WHY, do you all spell it “ELISOE”…? It’s “EILSOE”

see: E-I-L, not E-L-I…!!


the instruments of mass kirupa are by nali…wherever he is LOL