ROFL wish you’re right that’s the best smiley evarrrrrrrr HAHA
Yea so many great smilies.
[QUOTE=w1sh;2355352]I can’t believe we don’t have the violin one… I mean, it would be perfect for every other post.
For instance, proceeding this one.[/QUOTE]
Oh wow. We really need the violin and the noose. So badly. :lol:
edit: And this one!
If sen is OK with it, I will go through add more of his smilies to the forums including the noose, violin, etc.
Kirupa can you add the apple tini one. :tini: [whisper]I suggested it a long while back I presume it wasn’t accepted, but I mean whats one more smilie :lol:[/whisper]
I don’t mind
But I think the old rule for animations still probably applies. Only :trout:
That could make the quote smiley not work (peace?)
I welcome the addition of Sen’s smilies! BUT, its getting harder and harder to find ones you want. Isn’t there anyway to sort them somehow?
they’re alphabetical if that helps. Otherwise… no.
Not just yours, but yours + existing on Kirupa. Sometimes I can’t remember the code for something and its just really hard to sort through them all.
You know what would be great - the ability to make a shortlist of your favorite smilies. I’m a big fan of:
… for example. It’d be sweet if I could put those in their own list for quick and easy use.
[QUOTE=lunatic;2355432]Not just yours, but yours + existing on Kirupa. Sometimes I can’t remember the code for something and its just really hard to sort through them all. :([/QUOTE]
oh right - that makes more sense, and I agree
[QUOTE=Anogar;2355441]You know what would be great - the ability to make a shortlist of your favorite smilies. I’m a big fan of:
… for example. It’d be sweet if I could put those in their own list for quick and easy use.[/QUOTE]
that would be awesome! I have no idea how to create that functionality though (I’m just paid to endorse the brilliant ideas).
It seems that other vBulletin users have already thought of this, which is cool:
I’m not sure it’s compatible with the version we’re using, but it sure would be neat.
New smilies added:
:cry3: :write: :hang:
But no violin
Oh, I must have forgotten to list it above.
:broad_smile: :beam:
We already had [noparse]:broad_smile:[/noparse]… it’s [noparse]:beam:[/noparse].