So hey, I was curious. Some of these smileys are wickedly excellent.
Is there a list somewhere of who made what et cetera?
Thanks :thumb2:
So hey, I was curious. Some of these smileys are wickedly excellent.
Is there a list somewhere of who made what et cetera?
Thanks :thumb2:
There is a whole page dedicated to all of them:
BTW, thanks for fixing --> :h: one of my faves.
Oh, thanks Kirupa.
:fab: <-- is hard to beat ; )
^I can beat that one , if you look through Forum Suggestions there are a ton more (very few get accepted).
[QUOTE=lunatic;2354704]BTW, thanks for fixing --> :h: one of my faves. :D[/QUOTE]
:h: I thought it still needed fixed (perhaps you were being sarcastic about it being fixed). I liked the yellow one with the single question mark over the head.
Here ya go.
[QUOTE=prg9;2354718]:h: I thought it still needed fixed (perhaps you were being sarcastic about it being fixed). I liked the yellow one with the single question mark over the head.[/QUOTE]
For awhile it was some kind of vb standard that was blue and had 3 question marks over the head. :h: <-- this was a long-time kirupa forum original that I like much better.
<- Looks broken
[QUOTE=lunatic;2354722]For awhile it was some kind of vb standard that was blue and had 3 question marks over the head. :h: <-- this was a long-time kirupa forum original that I like much better.[/QUOTE]
I still see the blue version with 3 question marks over its head when I try and use it or when others post it? Maybe I am missing something, or misunderstanding.
^ I did too, then I cleared my cache and now I see the correct one.
[QUOTE=Gundark;2354749]^ I did too, then I cleared my cache and now I see the correct one.[/QUOTE]
I clear my cache everyday, so for me thats not the issue
Hmmm, weird! Something else must be going on.
:h: <-- now its working ;). Not sure what changed between visits but whomever fixed it, its fixed now.
Fixed the broken cool icon as well
I love the noose, I think it’s on senocular’s site. You should add it here, Kirupa!
yay! A fan of my smilie :beam:
thanks luni :love:
lol, impossible NOT to use that smilie with some of the member around here
^ :lol:… luna that is my fav smiley -> :look:
[QUOTE=ajcates;2354720]Here ya go.[/QUOTE]
I can’t believe we don’t have the violin one… I mean, it would be perfect for every other post.
For instance, proceeding this one.
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