kirupaForum screenshot

This is something I did sometime back thats about 10 minutes back;). Well, Here is the screen shot I made for the style I am planning to upload, pretty much the same color combinations, but a slightly different top bar. Let me know how is it.

its pretty much the same as the original one - what about the bottom part of the site ?

Thats what I said dude, its pretty much the same but for the top bar:)

Nice and neat :slight_smile:

The link doesn’t work :frowning:

Yes it does, just remove the http://

i like it
it reminds me of XP

broken link for me, think yahoo’s bandwidth is over the limit or somethin.

nope. Here, use this link: t’worked for me!

Looks pretty cool, although I really don’t think there is enough changed to make a totally new style

i like it :slight_smile:

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I can only wonder whay norie likes :stuck_out_tongue:
servers are going crazy today, my site is not working in u.k but ti’s working allover the world. :confusion:

jas, click on the first link in the first post… after the new window pops up with the geocities error page, delete the ‘http://’ from the URL and press enter :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by norie *
**jas, click on the first link in the first post… after the new window pops up with the geocities error page, delete the ‘http://’ from the URL and press enter :slight_smile: **

funny how that works. how?

maybe geocities was to prevent outside links… who knows.

You can not link to geocities from forums. If you just cut the link from here and paste it into the address bar it will work.

not working norie :frowning: << this is the link i clicked on and got no popups and just the text on error page…is it workin for u MT soul?

**** geocities Grrrrrr :bad:

I like it. Gives the skin a sorta 3d look. It’s not flat.

Its not working for me either :frowning:

I tried to attach it instead of uploading it to gecities but the file was large. When I reduced the size it lost the whole look of it, it gave a yellowish tinge on the blue, so I retained the original file and uploaded it.

mail it to me jay