This is something I did sometime back thats about 10 minutes back;). Well, Here is the screen shot I made for the style I am planning to upload, pretty much the same color combinations, but a slightly different top bar. Let me know how is it.
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I can only wonder whay norie likes
servers are going crazy today, my site is not working in u.k but ti’s working allover the world. :confusion:
jas, click on the first link in the first post… after the new window pops up with the geocities error page, delete the ‘http://’ from the URL and press enter
*Originally posted by norie *
**jas, click on the first link in the first post… after the new window pops up with the geocities error page, delete the ‘http://’ from the URL and press enter **
I tried to attach it instead of uploading it to gecities but the file was large. When I reduced the size it lost the whole look of it, it gave a yellowish tinge on the blue, so I retained the original file and uploaded it.