today i visited the other forums on this site and noticed that there’s a bunch of people who i’ve never seen on the random forums. these people mostly post for help i’m guessing. i think the random forum is made up of its own community as is the other forums.
random - the metropolis of Kirutopia.

yup, its like a whole dif world in the other sections…each is an ant in his own world :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

It took me a while before I actually posted in Random.

Then I got sucked in… and they locked me in here :wink:

What other sections? Theres other sections besides random here? :o

Then I got sucked in… and they locked me in here

Not so much Lost in Beta, but Lost in Random?

I try not come to random, I keep saying to myself: *go to help section, go to site check… * but that doesn´t work. :frowning:

When I set my foot on random I feel like that really really shy boy, that doesn´t want and cannot leave his house, you know, it´s so cozy in here…:slight_smile:

I feel like: [SIZE=1]my prrrecious, that others forumses hurts us, they burns us, that filthy little threadses…[/SIZE]


I started by only posting in the help and site check forums but I got hooked in here. In fact this is where the kirupa link on my links bar takes me - to the random area :slight_smile:

Sometimes I forget there’s a whole other site in here somewhere!=)

Ya I’m looking at starting a help program. RFA: Random Forum Aholics. Our simple 352 step program will get you off the random forum in no time. And at a cost of only $3000 you can’t afford not to join. We get you off posting by keeping you busy with other things like Drinking, Smoking, and firearms training. Before you know it you will have totaly forgoting about the Random Forum. So please join today. :beam:

my prrrecious, that others forumses hurts us, they burns us, that filthy little threadses…

Exactly :slight_smile:

lol… Ya’all are crazy… :geek:

Woohoo… But it’s awesome… Yeah… I end up usually getting stuck here in Random as well… But typically I’ll do this…

Flash MX

And then I’ll just sit around in Random and check things out… That way if I can help out… I’ll try to asap… heh.
