kirupaStamps: Guidelines + Template!

This is a new project that we mods came up with. This is really simple. Basically, use the attached stamp template and create your own stamp. The stamp can contain any type of design - pixel, raster, photography, etc.

The ONLY picky rule is that you do not go outside the boundaries of the blue rectangle. Besides that, do whatever you want. It would be useful to make your stamp contain features a real stamp would have: cent (monetary) value of the stamp, etc.

The ONLY OTHER picky rule is for you to keep your entry appropriate. No obscene language, gestures, pictures, etc. Your stamps will be printed out and mailed to your grandparents, so you have to keep it appropriate for them to collect after all.

The ONLY OTHER OTHER picky rule is that your stamp’s design should be original. In other words, please don’t use exact copyrighted replicas of characters, logos, etc. as the main design of your stamp.

You can submit your entry/entries by creating a new thread in the kirupaStamps sub-forum. Good submissions will be featured in the continuously updated kirupaLab section devoted to this! There is no limit to how many entries you can submit, so submit early and submit often! :slight_smile:

You can view entries that have been added here:

Kirupa :ninja: