KirupaVille - A New Community

That’s a good idea Phil. Anyone else up with this? Any other name suggestions? I don’t mind have to change Random to something more cooler (which shouldn’t be hard to do consider Random is quite a dull name hehe)

Kirupa :pirate:

Sounds cool to me :slight_smile:

Can’t wait to be changed, thanx for the idea phil. :slight_smile:

aight, time for KirupaVille to go up!

Hey all,
Would it be possible to have a name without Kirupa in it? I don’t want it to seem like it’s all about me. It should be something collective for everyone to post in.

Kirupa :rambo:

Well not really.

Everyone calls this forum Kirupaville. And we are Kirupaholics.

I don’t know Phil; still have my hesitations. I don’t want to change the name of the forum several times over and over again. You guys can be full of Kirupahol and not have to have the forum name KirupaVille =) I really do want a non-K name from the beginning.


How about Kriarnudpoam???

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**How about Kriarnudpoam??? **
:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Well it was either that or Rkainrduopma… but I don’t like that.


Or how about just Kirupaholics Anonymous Meetings …lol.

No wait… thats a bit-K word :-\

I don’t :-\

Can we just leave it as Random? =) The things in there truly are random. Nobody knows what will be next. Does that not make sense?

Kirupa :q:

Wow… not very often someone here slaps themself with a trout…hmm.

Sure, Random is fine :slight_smile:

hey lost, btw, would you be interested in having your smiley with the weird hair be part of the smilies people use on the site? Just wondering because the style is very similar to the one used here; up to you :slight_smile:

Kirupa :goatee:

WOW, I definitely wasn’t expecting that…lol. Thanks for the offer Kirupa, but I kinda like having my own personal smiley :slight_smile: So I think I will pass.

no problem :slight_smile:

I think “Random” is just fine. While other names might be more “fun,” they might not be as usable or make sense to outsiders or newbies.