New And improved
Hope you all like it…
arr = [["", "one ", "two ", "three ", "four ", "five ", "six ", "seven ", "eight ", "nine "], ["ten ", "eleven ", "twelve ", "thirteen ", "fourteen ", "fifteen ", "sixteen ", "seventeen ", "eighteen ", “nineteen “, “”], [””, “”, "twenty ", "thirty ", "forty ", “fifty “, “sixty “, “seventy “, “eighty “, “ninety “], [“septillion”, “sextillion”, “quintillion”, “quadrillion”, “trillion”, “billion”, “million”, “thousand”]];
this.createTextField(“input”, 1, 50, 50, 200, 20).type = “input”;
this.createTextField(“output”, input.maxChars=27, 50, 80, 200, 15).text = “Type a number in the above box…”;
output.wordWrap = output.html=output.autoSize=true;
input.restrict = “0-9”;
input.border = output.border=true;
input.onChanged = function() {
L = this.text.split(””);
(this.text.length>3) ? fn3More() : output.htmlText=“Type a number in the above box…”;
(this.text.length == 3) ? output.htmlText=fn3(L[0], L[1], L[2], “hundred <i>and</i> “) : null;
(this.text.length == 1) ? output.htmlText=fn1(this.text) : null;
(this.text.length == 2) ? output.htmlText=fn2(L[0], L[1]) : null;
Number(this.text) == 0 ? output.htmlText=”<b>zero</b>” : null;
function fn1(One) {
return arr[0][Number(One)];
function fn2(d, u):String {
return Number(d) == 1 ? arr[1][Number(u)]+”” : arr[2][Number(d)]+””+fn1(u);
//function fn3(One:String, Two:String, Three:String, HUN:String) {
function fn3(One, Two, Three, HUN:String) {
HUN = ((One != “0” && Two == “0” && Three == “0”) || Two == “0” || Two == “1”) ? “hundred " : HUN;
return (fn1(One) == “”) ? fn2(Two, Three) : fn1(One)+HUN+fn2(Two, Three);
function fn3More() {
for (var no:String = input.text, i = 0; (i<(input.maxChars-input.text.length) && input.text.length<=input.maxChars); i++) {
no = “0”+no;
for (i=0, str1=””, a4index=0; i<no.length-3; i=i+3, a4index++) {
str1 += (no.substr(i, 3) == “000”) ? “” : fn3(no.charAt(i), no.charAt(i+1), no.charAt(i+2), “”)+”<b>”+arr[3][a4index]+”</b> , ";
output.htmlText = str1+(fn3(no.charAt(input.maxChars-3), no.charAt(input.maxChars-2), no.charAt(input.maxChars-1), "<b>hundred</b> <i>and</i> "));
_root._xscale = _root._yscale=200;
//redundant code. can be removed if exeeds 25 lines