Lab Expriment YaY!

Kirupa put my one particle experiment in the lab.

dances around…

At least there is one :beam: thing right now tha isn’t going to make me :8( or :scream: at somebody…

Yay… Yay… Yay… That relaly does put a small :slight_smile: onto my :frowning: face.

It’s at the top good bud…

kirupalab… Name is Particles :slight_smile:

:beam::crazy: :crazy: :beam:

good for kirupaville too =)

congrats :A+:

The experiment is really nice playa :slight_smile:

Thanks guys… I’m really proud of it… heh…

does a handstand… falls on head

Ouch… Oh well :beam:

well done playa, looks good=)

great expirement marz
i really like it

nice effect! Can be used in many many ways!

Yeha trust me… I’ve found a bunch of ways too… Will be posting more advances on the engine I’m creating with it… :beam:

I created fading possibilites, explosions, angle areas, and plenty more stuff… :slight_smile:

It’s all fantabulous… Right… But anyways… It’s all dynamic now I should say :slight_smile:

Great job Marz!

Really cool, al the lab experiments are cool.

Yeah it is a great experiment playa. Although I find the coding to be a bit on the crazy side (I guess my method of coding is just different) the effect is still awesome =)

Very nice. I need to do more experimenting myself.

Thanks guys…

Yeah lost… I never got the chance to clena up my cod.e. Just commented it really quickly… lmao

Actually I’ve been working on new subsets for this lately… But I’m really just trying to figure out ideas for a footer…