November 27, 2007, 5:13pm
Yes, purchased. List it and write a few thoughts.
[size=1]CD - 2002[/size]
Was walking around Best Buy the other day and was bored. Ended up on the CD aisle and noticed OK GO. I remembered that song with the treadmills which I vaguely remembered liking. Then I put the CD in and that song wasn’t on there (turns out the song kind of sucks anyway). Most of the songs are pretty generic and lame. All in all I’d say it was a pretty terrible purchase.
Last one was Between the Buried and Me - Colors.
Josh Ritter - Hello Starling
Fleetwood Mac - Fleetwood Mac
That’s the original blues rock band from the late 60’s, not the later pop one with the girls.
Purchased? What does that mean?
Panic! At The Disco - Pretty Odd.
Awesome album! :love:
May 15, 2008, 6:16am
Figurines: “Skeleton” (Awesome Danish band!)
Daniel Lanois: “Shine” - not really new, but ■■■■ beautiful.
Meshuggah: “ObZen” - Evil, Swedish Metal.
Most of it through iTunes, btw…
Coheed And Cambria -In Keeping Secrets Of Silent Earth: 3
May 28, 2008, 4:54pm
Bought two at the same time:
Rockferry - Duffy
The Planets Suite by Holst as played by the Royal Scottish National Orchestra
Day 26 - Day 26
Evanescence - Fallen & The Open Door
(Yeah I know I’m a little late on the Evanescence cd’s)
May 28, 2008, 8:03pm
Rage Against The Machine - Self Entitled (because someone jacked mine :()
+1 On Evanescance and Meshuggah, gaat bands
Last cd I got was The Feeding by American Head Charge, Watch Them Die self-titled and Rise of the Tyrant by Arch Enemy from .
All three are really great and I would recommend them all.