Last thing tonight i swear

quick 10 minute etch a sketch

im not tryin to show off or nething, cuz neone with basic photoshop knowledge could make this, or much better
i was just thinkin this would make a pretty cool flash thingy… who wouldnt wanna draw on a flash etch a sketch…

I saw an actual Flash Etch-A-Sketch somewhere…

If someone remembers, please chime in.

28: please stop with the chat speak. It makes it very difficult for the rest of the world to know what you are talking about. It really is only one more letter (anyone vs. neone). No one gets extra bonus points in life for getting to the web quicker…




.000000000001 seconds quicker. if you keep doing that maybe you’ll have 1.0246720154 seconds more to do nothing with your life.

woops, sorry
I’m used to talkin on AIM so I talk like this all the time, never thought about it. Now I can be all clear like.
I just found a flash etch-a-sketch
Now I’m all sad and such.
Mine is prettier though.

pretty counts…


Possible Kirupa Design Challenge: Make a fully functional Etch-a-Sketch in Flash, with Shake-Erase function… (i might even be willing to finance a moderate cash prize as motivation)

NE1 Ntrested? :stuck_out_tongue:

thats a pretty cool idea, id definately be in it if i was good at flash… would they have to create their own etch a sketch pic thing? if they didnt have to make their own i could let someone use mine…

I have no clue how you would do that, majeye.

nor do i, thats why id be willing to sponser a contest…

I guess you’d hafta set up some a drawing script, where twisting either knob would move the line either horizontal, vertical, or a combination of both. And then set up functionality where you can grab the entire etch-a-sketch, and give it a good shake, and watch the lines dissapear… if anyone has any code for the drawing part, i might be able to come up with the rest… anyone?

HMMM: how could we set it up so both knobs could be twisted at once??

i actually saw one, and what they did was used the arrow keys, and the knobs turned when you pressed them…

It can most definetely be done:

Yes it uses arrow keys.

But it’s not purty. We need a purty one.

wow thats realy well done…but i think it would be kinda hard…

yeah, i think that is about as good as its going to get… Until Flash 19 is released with support for dual mice.