Layer problem when load Movies into Container

Using Flash8;


I searched the forums and did not find anything to help with this issue!

I am trying to create multiple MC’s in a “containerMC”, for my background, buttons and text. All of the MC’s work and are visible, but two don’t show up.

Here is my process:
I create a blank MC on the first scene on the first layer and drop it on stage, coordinates, (0,0), giving it an instance name of “contents”.

Then using actionscript, I create EmptyMC’s inside “contents” to hold everything else. Using this code:
//////////////MC’s to hold additional content
var mc:MovieClip = _root.contents.createEmptyMovieClip(“mc_name”, _root.contents.getNextHighestDepth());

I have 6 differnent MC’s I create this way within the “contents” MovieClip and 4 of the 6 show up, no problems with the layering or whatever, some are .jpg’s loaded and some are textfields.

However, 2 of the 6 MC’s don’t show up at all. I’m not sure if the layers are bad? or what? Since I am using “_root.contents.getNextHighestDepth()” for each depth, I would think it would be ok?

The 2 which do not show up use the same exact code as the ones which do show up, just different variables and MC names.

I have attached my code here as a text file.

Does anyone have any suggestions or help?

Thanks, Dave.