Layers Not repeating

Can Someone tell me how to…ok let me break it apart…

ok i already made a movie with all my layers and i want to make all the layers repeat and not one layer.

So want i’m trying to ask is i have a music as one of the layers but i want all the layers to repeat forever and not the music layer i just want the music layer to play just once and everything else repeat.thx

You can’t do it that way. You can have the music in a Movieclip and have a stop() action on the last frame.

*Originally posted by Bullet-Shells *
**Can Someone tell me how to…ok let me break it apart…

ok i already made a movie with all my layers and i want to make all the layers repeat and not one layer.

So want i’m trying to ask is i have a music as one of the layers but i want all the layers to repeat forever and not the music layer i just want the music layer to play just once and everything else repeat.thx **

So what your trying to say is that everything has to repeat? or everything has to stop all at once? you can’t just have one layer stop and all the others repeat?

Awww Darn It i just quoted myself… :-\


have everything on the music layer in a movieclip, and have that movieclip and that very same layer. inside the movieclip, have a stop() action on the last frame. That’ll do it.