Layout how?

check this out.

can someone tell me how to make this cool grungee layout ?

isn’t this the very same question you have asked in the MX forum?

wouldn’t it just be simpler to post once, maybe even in the “Site Check” forum?



:-\ :-\ :-\ well i posted again because they told me that should be here. so… but does it really matter? i mean it has to be with design …

yeah. Well someone would have moved it anyway and it makes your 100th post so CHEERS

anyway - for the layout in flash - you’ve gotta be good - experienced I mean. First try to do that in flash. get lots of brushes - find grung tuts - mix all of this with ideas of your own and you’ll get your layout =)

i’d say Photoshop would be a better starting place, and take a look at this recent thread that’s still developing - it’s sort of the same topic:

ok ok ill check it out…
and thanks to all ! :bounce: