Layouts layouts layouts

I was working on the following layout as a concept site for a client. do you think that they will actually pay me for this??? (I don’t know if i like it).

hey thanx a lot :wink:

where is it?

that looks good! i think ppl would pay you money for that, but only if it was good in html or flash. :slight_smile:

//try pasting into your brizozer


pretty nice! i think u’ll get paid for that…very modern!

Yea I agree with bodyvisual. Right now it’s kind of stark but it has promise, I’d like to see some more stuff.

Definitely watermark it before you showcase it.

max…that gives me an idea… :slight_smile:

thanx guys…

when the design is complete, I will then properly slice the site into a working html site. I will probly use flash on the navigation and on the head of the page. I would connect it to a database, but I don’t know how to do that (plz feel free to show me to a few tutorials), also I don’t know anything about ccs.

any help would be gRat!!!

froM: Blake

yeah, that’s a nice layout - and you should get paid for it. Don’t like the hand typing on the keybord though… It’s been done, so to speak:)

Very nice! Love the colors… I’m a sucker for blue and silver. Though I’m not sure that the butterfly fits, unless it’s your logo or something.

very nice, when I saw geocities I thought “oh great, not another person who spent ten minutes on a design and thinks it’s great” but when I saw it I was really impressed, very modern nice style… :slight_smile: