Learning Interactions - Multiple Choice Advice

I am doing some testing for a multiple choice quiz and trying to get a good idea of the best was to set it all up before I actually dig into the project. (although it will probably evolve at the same time anyway)

Right now, I am looking at the Flash Templates, and specifically the Learning Interaction/Components. I will be using 10 multiple choice questions, and the interactions seem fairly limited as to what you can get out of them.

I am looking for advice as to how I should pursue this. I want to involve a character in the quiz…and have the answers cause certain reactions from the character. In otherwords, he will be different movie clips that are set off by choosing a certain answer.

I also came across this tutorial on doing the quiz yourself, (set up for Flash 5 and I am in MX)

Am wondering if it makes more sense to pursue it this way, or to try to elaborate on the provided learning interactions.

One final note, is there a way to automatically check answers and give the user feedback without having to click a “check answer” button and a “reset” button to try answering again?

The whole idea of this quiz is going to be that ppl keep trying until they get the answer right.


Of course any tips on Flash quizzes would be appreciated as well

:smirk: :alien: :stunned:

hej …

i got u chapter out of the book
“actionscript for flash ; the definitive guide”

check here

it’s about making a quiz with flash … the example has only 2 questions but i think u can make as many as u want :slight_smile:

maybe even load questions etc. dynamically …

well i hope it’s of any use


Thank you!!!