hello… after seeing some cool AJAX tricks, decided i should go back and properly learn javascript. currently, i just know enough to take them apart and make modifications.
anyhow, i’ve always been a fan of joe burns (htmlgoodies.com) writing style, so i went over there to read through some of his jscript tutorials. the problem is, many of his examples dont seem to be very cross browser friendly.
**anybody got any ideas on where can i find javascript tutorials that teach while keeping modern browsers and a *“reasonable” *amount of accessibility in mind?
I don’t run into too many browser compatibility issues with JavaScript anymore. At least not like back in the day. It may just be I avoid code that I know doesn’t work… or more likely it’s that support has just gotten better.
You may want to check out QuirksMode (http://www.quirksmode.org/). I know they have a JavaScript section, I’m just not sure if it has the exact details you may be looking for. I believe I remember seeing some browser compatibility tables there.
I took a quick look around and well… most of the sites I found on JavaScript browser compatibility are old. I mean when you see charts with IE3 and 4 on them… well you know they’re out dated.
I’ll look around a bit and see if I can’t find something but otherwise, do like I did, grab a bunch of browsers and test the stuff yourself. Then keep a log of what works and doesn’t work.
Learn the language features of JavaScript first - stuff like closures, classes, basic arithmetic, string methods, and so on. Then learn the DOM, which by now is pretty cross-browser. Then you can do pretty much anything.
hey, thanks for your replies!
thats the plan… go back over the basics… then get into the more current uses… if there’s no way around some of the old-school cross browser issues… then thems the breaks… but i suppose its certainly not a bad thing to get re-aquainted with what they were/are…