Hello all.
I am desperately trying to learn PHP. I have searched over and over for books that will teach me PHP properly, I have searced over and over tutorials as to help me out. Here’s what I’ve figured out.
I understand how PHP works yet not in a real-world scheme of things, so to speak.
What I mean is everything I’ve read and found doesn’t seem to teach me how to do anything I’d actually use for a website. Just bits and pieces that don’t make any sense to me when combined yet alone make complete sense.
I need help finding the best possible book(s) and tutorials for a complete newbie/someone who knows how it works and needs direction on how to get things done in an accomplished manner. The whole “Hello World” related scripts get very old and repetitive after a while.
If there is anyone willing to point me in the right direction besides giving me a link to a Google search for PHP or PHP.net then please assist. A fat raise at work depends on it.
Thanks guys.