Leaves blowing in the wind

I’m trying to create leave blowing in Flash. The idea is to create and far east look with snow and blowing orchids as a background Movie Clip for a site I’m designing. Where would be a good place to find this. I found snow falling in the kirupa which I’m attempting to modify with different art. Is there a more specific way to do this, though?

Jeff Steiman

i’m no programmer, but the hand animated way would be to create your leaf, draw a curvy path across your movie (imagine the way the leaf would blow) and put the “leaf” on that curve. look in flash help for “tween motion”.

you can covert the basic leaf to a movie symbol for different control (with a new symbol for each):

  • motion (leaf_anim)
  • transparency (leaf_trans)
  • scale (leaf_scale)

you can also make some “shape tweens” to make the leaf look more realistic at the root level

I have some code which seemed effective, although it may be the same

to change the snow is fairly easy in thoery.

have the snow MC, then stick inside that different things, snow, leaves etc

then when its snow, make the leaf MC _visible = false and the snow _visible = true