Let's both make some money

OK guys, I got in over my head and I need someone’s help. This is what my client is looking for:

my client would like users to be able to select different dance moves and then drag them into a timeline and select play and have the character dance the moves in sequence.

They would supply the background, the dancer, and the music. All I need from you is to create it all.

Have a timeline, be able to drag certain dance moves into that timeline, and then when play is clicked, have the dancer DO those moves in order. I can also supply the movieclips of the dance moves.

If you can accomplish this, please email me with how much $ you are looking for to do it. PLEASE do not contact me if you “think” you can do it. Don’t tell me two weeks down the line that “well, I tried, but I can’t.” That doen’t help me.

my email: scott@scottberks.com

the sooner the better. I have a few weeks to complete this.