Let's play find the memory leak! yay flash 9!

I have a main fla - it loads a sub swf. The sub swf loads an xml doc, then saves the xml to a static property within a storage class. The main fla can then unload the sub swf via a public method dispose. Every thing is set to null upon the unload. Yet, after loading / unloading a dozen times or so, you’ll continue to see the system memory climb - even while I’m using a temp hack to clear the system memory.

This is a trimmed example based on 8 or 10 items I’m building, that may be heavily loaded/unloaded.

Can anyone spot why the memory would continue to climb when you repetitivesly load/unload the app?? Am I blatantly missing something or will player 9, via the repetitive use, just “act this way” (imagine a replay button that will be heavily used to load / unload all of these items).

I’m really hoping someone has some advice here - I’m pulling my hair out at this point. And, I know there are a few added objects in the loading code, but this, again, is paired down from a larger set of code that utilizes those.


files attached.