Ok so i modified this springbar to follow upon rollover. The thing is that the buttons will follow even when i come acroos another button that doesn’t follow the level hierarchy. The only way that i works is if i hover over the left most button and continue left.
How can i put everything on the same level so that as soon as the mouse hovers over another button the new button will follow no matter if its the one right next to it or the farthest button away.
Also how can i get each button to show a different text on the rollover. This nav uses the same button instance everytime, do i have to add the text in actionscript for each instance, or will i have to have the 6 different buttons with sixe different rollover states instead of just one. Am i confusing you? here’s my fla.
I have a headache just trying to wrap my mind around the math you are doing here. Clearly you are very good at this, I have downloaded this file for my reference, I am sure I can learn alot.
I know this doesn’t help you but it will put this thread near the top. I would like to see some of the others tackle this issue, if they have the time…
I wish you luck
by the way I did notice in testing this that when you get all the clips moving around you get the “bleed” effect going.
ok, well since you are using mx (and not 5 or 4) its time you act like it :). That was a bad example anyway. The code was blotched in a lot of places and fairly inconsistent not to mention unnecessarily repetitious with its actions manually repeated on each hex instance.
this example has all of its code in frame 1 and hopefully is easier to understand.
it uses the falsh drawing api to draw the connecting lines and uses on event functions for each hex to set reactions and loses the redundancy of the target clips. I also ditched the startDrag bit though what I used is essentially the same thing minus the boundries (though I have an example within of how to kill a drag with a position limit)
senocular: I’m ata loss for words here. The way you laid out the code for me with comments is absolutely amazing. I really don’t know how to thank you enough. I can actually read through the code and UNDERSTAND what’s going on. A million thanx!:A+: =) (-:
but now here’s a new question… i see that the you modified the hex buttons into movie clips. I want them to be buttons, with each individual button displaying a different caption on rollover. Am i gonna have to covert the hex clips into buttons and add the actionscript to them individually? :hat:
wow, that seems so simple. and yet i was pulling my hair out. so now all i do is assign each hex the target movie clip that i want loaded on release right?
just when i think its all good. I changed the hex symbol from a movie clip to a button, gave it and over state and a hit state. why is it that when i test it, the buttons are animating as if they were looping clips?
if i want to call the loadmovie on release for each instance of the hex, am i gonna have to set a variable like the captions and then assign it in the code?
slikspic, yes you would want to do something like the captions for loading movies. Just make another array of urls and make a new variable for each hex and have the onrelease load that url
I wouldnt change the hexes to buttons though. keep them as movieclips. If you want an over state, use a gotoAndStop in the rollover action.
using movieclips maintains the onEnterFrame event. You could do this with buttons but youd have to use asbroadcaster or another looping list in hexes onEnterFrame to control them all which might complicate things more than they need to be.
put loadtargets under the captions array. Then under where it says
hex.caption._visible = false
put something like
hex.loadswf = loadtargets[i-1];
then to launch it, put it in the stopDrag (since that is what the onRelease is equal to) and just throw the loading code under the if (this == dragger){ … depending on how you’re loading them in i.e.