Library access/attachMovie from within a Class

Hi all!

I’m currently attempting to build my first classes in AS2 (with high hopes to soon move to AS3…baby steps). I have run into a problem that has cost me the last few hours of the night tonight and I still feel like I’m no closer to the solution >_<

The scenario:
I am attempting to create a couple classes that work together to handle the creation of textFields and the methods by which to scroll them (if needed). One class method creates the TextField, populates it, then calls the next class that attaches and sets up the scrolling components/methods if needed.

The problem:
I cant access items in my library from my class no matter which way I slice it. I need to attach movieClips from the library to act as my scroll components and am currently attempting to do so by passing the linkageIDs through the constructor. Tracing the items passed through works fine, but attempting to use attachMovie with them (or with the ID’s as literal Strings) fails silently; nothing gets attached.

I have tried everything I can think of to get this to work, so any light you can shed is _greatly appreciated!!