Like an escape game...!

I’m creating a Flash website for a project and I’ve encountered a few problems.
I have a basic understanding of Flash, but what I’d like to do it to complicated for me.
I’m not sure how to describe it, but I’ll try.
The website is basically a house. Different rooms hold different things (Living Room = Movie Clips that play on a TV).
I’ve made the TV and all the ‘Doors’ (navigation buttons) work, but I’m stuck now I get to the interactive stuff.
The two main effects I want - A light to turn on when the switch is clicked, and curtains to open or close when clicked.
The problem seems to be with the movie clip. I can make the animation of the curtains opening and closing, but what script to I use to get it to play the right way each time, and where does the script go?
I’ve read many tutorials but I still can’t get it working.
I’m using CS3 but ActionScript 2.
Thanks for reading this, and thanks for your help.
