Line Art Help

Ok, so after following kitiara’s tut, I’ve outlined this poster I took a photo of…but then when I went to fill it in, it doesn’t fill!!

I’ve tried everything, “close large gaps” and I’ve checked that the lines meet, and all of them do!

So what has happened?? is there some special “enable-fill-that-works” setting I need to turn on??

I’ve also attached the file so y’all can give it a go :smirk:

cant d/l the .fla cos im at work!

I get your problem a lot though. This is the process i usually go through: Turn on “snap to object”, Zoom in REAL close. Using the arrow tool (the black one) and tweak all your lines until they are definatly joined. “Snap to object” feature should make this easier for you. Check every join in your image then retry the fill.

Hope that helps!

yeah, Orange is probably right: make sure all your line joints and corners join up and connect. it will make it so much easier :slight_smile:

i don’t know what’s happening, but it’s filling for me fine… even without the ‘close large gaps’ option selected

try starting with a smaller section (like some of the frog details) to make sure they’re working…
because i’ve got no problems

are u sure you haven’t got white selected as the fill?


sometimes apply the bucket on the line and not on the empty space - itll make it work…

and work layer by layer - hiding other ones, otherwise you won’t understand why some spaces are shown and not others =)…

i had no problems with coloring at all. Just make sure you have chosen the right layer! :wink:

Same here… Still, if you’re having problems, give me a PM, I’ll if I can help out at all. :slight_smile:

Works for me… Try zooming out.

AHHHH MLK!! you’re my hero! :smiley:

the whole “coloring-in-the-line-to-actually-color-in-the-shape” technique was PERFECT. Got it allllll colored in :slight_smile: thanks all for your help!

I’m probably going to alter the color scheme a bit, and add some more detail (coloring it in REALLY changes things :P) but I’ve attached the file at its current state below.

Thanks again!

EDIT: the uploading script doesn’t wanna let me upload a swf, (says the file isn’t GIF or JPEG, yet the page says SWF is allowed, anyway!)