Line following thing

What i want to do is have an objects path traced by a line… so wherever it had been there is a line… i dunno if im sayin that right but i cant think of a good way to word it. anyways… if anyone can tell me how to do it that would be great… im not using it for any specific animation, i just want to start learning some new effects that i can incorporate into future stuff… thanks a lot in advance

yeah so its only been like 20 minutes… but oh well

if youre talking a draw recorder, this is a really good example



thats it sort of… i want it to just to follow the object… nothin to do with dragging or anything like that… and i dont wan the line to be in segments like that either
hey, at least im not picky

i usually just get the lines to expand in a tween or slowly uncover a graphic or line with a box (also tweening). Isn’t tweening wonderful.

:love: ~S.Blaze (off to do some tweening)

*Originally posted by xxviii *
What i want to do is have an objects path traced by a line…
oh… do you mean like using a guide layer??

you guys are using big smart people words… basically what i know how to do it make
this ---------------------------> go here
so yeah… wanna break it down for me or something?
