I currently have this:
// create new array for coordinates
// x = time
xcord = new Array("20","40","50","80","120","150");
// y = slider location
ycord = new Array("21","56","87","90","43","200");
xcordLength = xcord.length;
ycordLength = ycord.length;
// create empty MC to draw the API line
this.createEmptyMovieClip("graph_mc", 0);
with (graph_mc) {
//thickness, color, alpha
lineStyle(1, 0x006699, 50);
//initial positions - x,y
moveTo(0, 150);
// draw the line to
lineTo(xcord[0], ycord[0]);
lineTo(xcord[1], ycord[1]);
lineTo(xcord[2], ycord[2]);
lineTo(xcord[3], ycord[3]);
lineTo(xcord[4], ycord[4]);
// monitor the array length
So, how do I invoke the lineTo as many times as I have array items, and for each time, go to the next item in the array as to make a line graph? Thanks!