Link in a combobox (help!)

How do I make a link in a combo box? Pretend this is the box:

Flash Movies
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I want it so that if I click Flash Movies, it will take me to that site. I just got Flash MX 5 days a go, and this is my best creation: Click here!

Is it even possible?

I meant for a combobox, not a list box

Same idea. :slight_smile:

Weird, it doesnt direct you to the site when you select some thing

Oops, plz wait. :open_mouth:

ok looks at watch xD


Thankyou so much!

Glad it worked. :slight_smile:

How do I get it so that the very first thing you see on it doesnt have a link. when i click on it, it takes me to something like www.urlthethingthisison.blah/-Directory-


someone can please explain the action? (how it work?)


How do I get it so that the very first thing you see on it doesnt have a link.

I would suggest you add a ‘0’ as a value if you want it to not get a certain url and add the code below instead of the old one:

listHandler = function(component) {
	value = component.getValue()
	if(value == 0){


Well basicly you should edit the Labels and the data in the component property toolbox.

For Example:

Label: h88,kirupa,something-else