Link to outside URL problems in IE

I’m new to Flash, so please forgive my ignorance and feel free to ask me to elaborate if I don’t provide enough detail about my problem:

I want to simply link to an outside URL by clicking on a button. I used the following action on the button:

on (press) {

Everything seems to work fine in Firefox, but in IE a new window opens up, starts to load the linked page, then automatically closes. I do not use a pop-up blocker, IE pop-up blocker is off, and this happens on other computers, not just mine.

Am I doing something wrong in the action or is it just an IE setting?


PS: Using Flash 8 for PC.

I just created a box, hit F8, converted it to a button & added your code. It seems to work just fine for me in IE, so it’s not your code; it’s “The Thing That Does Weird Things!!” trick.

Yeah it looks fine to me too. Have you cleared your cache in IE recently?