Link to page, then load specific file in iframe

Thank you Minimalistik. I think you do get the page structure, but I will try to explain it a different way in case that helps.

The files:
:: index.htm w/two links: article1.htm & article2.htm
:: news.htm, which contains the iframe “article”
:: article1.htm & article2.htm, which are possible content for the iframe

When the user clicks on article1 or article2, i need news.htm to load, and then whichever article the user clicked on should load into the “article” iframe on news.htm.

My understanding, and what has been happening in tests, is that if I set a src for the iframe, article1.htm for example, then article1 will load in the iframe whether the user chooses article1 or article2. My challenge is to get the iframe to load whatever article the user chooses.

I’m not the most experienced in coding, but it looks like your sample code is telling the iframe to load root.htm no matter what. I need the user to be able to determine what file is loaded in the iframe.

Thank you, I really appreciate your help & your patience with me :slight_smile: