well, i recently made a streaming mp3 player in flash. im pleased with my work, but i have one problem. i wanted to add a way to download the song that is currently playing. im using xml as the playlist. right now, i have:
load_txt.text = (index+1)+". "+Songs[index].title+" - "+Songs[index].artist;
i want to be able to click on the text and download the current song.
load_txt.html = true
load_txt.htmlText = "<a href='Songs[index].url' target='_blank'>(index+1)+'. '+Songs[index].title+' - '+Songs[index].artist</a>"
that doenst work. i was wondering if there was any way to assign a link to a variable in a dynamic textbox. any help would be greatly appreciated. thank you. if you want .fla or the actionscript code, i will provide upon request.