Linking a button

Ok, this is driving me insane. I have made a button in a second layer that has a roll over and roll out command. What it does is, I have a picture and when you hover over it it starts to scroll through images, then when you take the mouse off it stops. If you put the mouse back over it continues from where it left off. The button has 0 alpha, so it’s on top of the movie the whle time, you just can’t see it, so the images below show through. Now I’m trying to make it so that if you click on the movie it will link to a web site.
Here is the code for the button when the movieis playing:

on (rollOver) {

on (rollOut) {


So it won’t let me link to a page if you click the button. I tried to make another button ontop of this one but then the roll over effect doen’t work. I’m am going insane with this and really need some help please.