Linking Thumbnails to External Pics

I’ve been having trouble for awhile trying to get a photo website I built to work. (Flash/AS3 newbie, btw)… Unfortunately I didn’t know that linking thumbnails to internal photos would take forever and a year to download. I’d like to keep my site as-is, but just redirect the thumbs to external pics so the site is functional.

An abbreviated sample of my code is below. I used an array for each of the photo galleries. The thumbs are buttons w/in movie clips (e.g., “guatTnails.guBtn1”). They call the full-size pics from the library into a component loader, “placeLdr” in the code below.

What is the easiest way to have the mouse event link the buttons/thumbs not to an internal array from the library, but to external full-size pics? I’m guessing it’s via XML, but I can’t find anything anywhere that shows how to use XML with buttons/thumbnails.


var guatArray:Array = [“boat at dusk.jpg”, “head_carriers.jpg” (…etc) ]

guatTnails.guBtn1.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, ldr1)
function ldr1 (e:Event) {
placeLdr.source = guatArray[0];

guatTnails.guBtn2.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, ldr2)
function ldr2 (e:Event) {
placeLdr.source = guatArray[1];
} (…etc)