Linking to named frames using XML menu

Greetings to all.

I have just joined this forum after searching for days for a solution to my problem.

I downloaded a flash/xml menu and I would want to link to a spacific frame on my flash website. I’m not that good at coding yet. Can anybody help?

Here is what the actionscript looks like:

import flash.filters.DropShadowFilter;
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;


//create function to add buttons
function addButtons() {
pushOverX = 0;
for (i=0; i<obj.buttons.length; i++) {
btn = buttons.attachMovie(“menu”, “menu”+i, i, {_x:pushOverX, _y:0});
pushOverX += btn._width + btnSpacing;
btn.itemOverColor = obj.buttons*.attributes.itemRollOverColor;
btn.itemColor = obj.buttons*.attributes.itemColor;
btn.parentBtn.name_txt.text = obj.buttons*.attributes.title;
btn.parentBtn.name_txt.textColor = btn.itemColor;

	//create menuItems array to store the text labels (do not change the array name, keep it &gt;&gt;menuItems&lt;&lt;);
	btn.menuItems = new Array();
	btn.links = new Array();
	for (j=0; j&lt;obj.buttons*.childNodes.length; j++) {
	//add shadow filter
	btn.filters = [ds];


var ds:DropShadowFilter = new DropShadowFilter(2, 45, 0x000000, 100, 6, 6, 1.1, 3);

//space between buttons
var btnSpacing:Number = new Number();

//object that contains data from xml
var obj:Object = new Object();

//create nex xml object
var xml:XML = new XML();
xml.ignoreWhite = true;

//after the xml is loaded, load variables and parse the date to obj
xml.onLoad = function(succes) {
if (succes) {
//bS = Number(this.firstChild.attributes.spacing);
obj.buttons = this.firstChild.childNodes;
btnSpacing = Number(this.firstChild.attributes.buttonsSpacing);
//function call
} else {
trace(“xml could not load”);

//the path to the xml file

//this part is for tooltip functionality, if you don’t need a tooltip you can delete the code
var mouseListener:Object = new Object();
var btnsArray:Array = new Array();
var showMenu:Boolean = true;
_global.showTooltip = true;

function hideAll() {
for (i=0; i<btnsArray.length; i++) {
mc = btnsArray*;
mc.enabled = false;
buttons.tweenAlpha = new Tween(buttons, “_alpha”, Strong.easeOut, buttons._alpha, 0, 2, true);
function showAll() {
for (i=0; i<btnsArray.length; i++) {
mc = btnsArray*;
mc.enabled = true;
buttons.tweenAlpha = new Tween(buttons, “_alpha”, Strong.easeIn, buttons._alpha, 100, 2, true);


mouseListener.onMouseDown = function() {
if (_global.showTooltip) {
if (showMenu) {
showMenu = false;
tooltip.txt.text = “+ Click to show menu”;
} else {
showMenu = true;
tooltip.txt.text = “- Click to hide menu”;
tooltip.txt.text = “- Click to hide menu”;

tooltip.onEnterFrame = function() {
//follow the cursor
if (_global.showTooltip) {
this._visible = true;
this._x = _xmouse+10;
this._y = _ymouse+5;
} else {
//if a menu is active hide the tooltip
this._visible = false;

And my XML:

<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?>

<menu buttonsSpacing=“25” >

&lt;item title="Who We Are" itemColor="0xFFFFFF" itemRollOverColor="0xFFCC00"&gt;
	&lt;subitem title="menu item 1" link ="" /&gt;
	&lt;subitem title="menu item 2" link ="" /&gt;
	&lt;subitem title="menu item 3" link ="" /&gt;
	&lt;subitem title="menu item 4" link ="" /&gt;
	&lt;subitem title="menu item 4" link ="" /&gt;
	&lt;subitem title="menu item 4" link ="" /&gt;

&lt;item title="What We Do" itemColor="0xFFFFFF" itemRollOverColor="0x33CC66"&gt;
	&lt;subitem title="menu item 1" link ="" /&gt;
	&lt;subitem title="menu item 2" link ="" /&gt;
	&lt;subitem title="menu item 3" link ="" /&gt;
	&lt;subitem title="menu item 3" link ="" /&gt;
	&lt;subitem title="menu item 4" link ="" /&gt;
	&lt;subitem title="menu item 5" link ="" /&gt;

&lt;item title="Why We Do It" itemColor="0xFFFFFF" itemRollOverColor="0x0EF0C0"&gt;
	&lt;subitem title="menu item 1" link ="" /&gt;
	&lt;subitem title="menu item 2" link ="" /&gt;
	&lt;subitem title="menu item 3" link ="" /&gt;
	&lt;subitem title="menu item 4" link ="" /&gt;

&lt;item title="How We Do It" itemColor="0xFFFFFF" itemRollOverColor="0x0EF0C0"&gt;
	&lt;subitem title="menu item 1" link ="" /&gt;
	&lt;subitem title="menu item 2" link ="" /&gt;
	&lt;subitem title="menu item 2" link ="" /&gt;		

&lt;item title="Research and Insights" itemColor="0xFFFFFF" itemRollOverColor="0x0EF0C0"&gt;
	&lt;subitem title="menu item 1" link ="" /&gt;
	&lt;subitem title="menu item 2" link ="" /&gt;
	&lt;subitem title="menu item 3" link ="" /&gt;
	&lt;subitem title="menu item 4" link ="" /&gt;

&lt;item title="Careers" itemColor="0xFFFFFF" itemRollOverColor="0xFE3090"&gt;
	&lt;subitem title="menu item 1" link ="" /&gt;
	&lt;subitem title="menu item 2" link ="" /&gt;
	&lt;subitem title="menu item 2" link ="" /&gt;
	&lt;subitem title="menu item 2" link ="" /&gt;


I need to get something like “go to this frame in the flash site” instead but don’t know how.

Any help would be greatly, greatly appreciated

Thanx in advance