Links in dynamic texts

hey all :slight_smile:

i would like to know if its possible to add hyperlinks to dynamically loaded text ?

thanx :toad: :toad:

This tutorial should help. =)

Also, what was easier for me was just changing the scroller field (in the fla from the dynamic text tutorial-its called “scroller,” the big white space to the left of the scrollbar) to accept html. make sure the properties tab is open, click on the scroller, and click the little “<>” button. Then you can just stick html right into your text file.

do u need to put the

in ur text file by any chance

If you are loading external txt files, you may want to check my example


yeah i was looking for links in external text files exactly wat claudio has posted but err i am not that advanced to understand from source files. any way to get a step by step tutorial thingie? all help appreacited :egg:

Im goin to provide a step by step tutorial on dat…

alrite!! thanx alot muahahah :slight_smile:

btw if the tutorial is up where do i go look for it? at the usual place?

Theres a nice tut here on Kirupa out links on text fields…

hmmm actually i was looking for a tutorial on how to create link in a externally loaded file . A text file . liek the one u showed ":slight_smile:

Oh ok… guess ill have to make dat tutorial :stuck_out_tongue:

oh u gonna make one? on my request? thanx a million :smiley:

Well, if no1 steps up…

cool cool hope its a easy to comprehend type. liek the tutorial for loading external text files. the reason i am hooked to his site is because fo that tutorial. it was the easiest to understand of all theo nes i looke on the net. awaiting the tutorial…