Links on SmartCLips

I followed the smartclip tutorial and it works fine.
I supose it´s perfect for large amount of buttons.

My question is how to add action to the button? i have to edit in place each instance and add action to the invisible buttons or there´s an easier way?



Erm…what you should have on your main stage is one layer of INSTANCES of the smartclip buttons. And have a layer ABOVE that, with your invisible buttons over the top. Just add the actions to the invisible buttons :slight_smile:

Hope that helps
Let me know if not
Cheers :slight_smile:

I tried that but it´s not working.
I also noticed that the swf is not showing the buttons labels when exported.

I´m attaching the fla for you to take a look.


Ahh, could it save it as MX file, not MX 2004 please?

The tutorial was actually made in MX, but Kirupa forgot to put it in the right place. Cheers :slight_smile:


here it is…


I see the problem, and I did have a way of it working, but I can’t remember now … I’m going on holiday tomoz, so I don’t have a lot of time to figure it out, but if someone else wants to give it a bash go for it.

Sorry about that, it’s complete my fault


No problem man.
When you come back from holiday you could tell me a way of doing that if nobody posted an answer ultim there.