List.change help!

hi, my problem is this:

I have on my stage some dynamic textboxes and a list box. The listbox is populated by an XML file of music artists names. What i would like to do is create a function so that when the artist is selected in the listbox, the dynamic textboxes display the relevant information.

The code i have so far is this:

//Declare variable to act as start of XML playlist
_global.i = 0;

//Create the XML object "Playlist"
playlist = new XML();
playlist.onLoad = loadXML;
playlist.ignoreWhite = true;

artwork_mc._x = 10;
artwork_mc._y = 100;

var songlist_lb:mx.controls.List;

//Create function to check if XML is loaded, and if it is populate the listbox
//instance on the stage

function loadXML(loaded){
		var songArray:Array = playlist.firstChild.childNodes;
		for(i=0; i<songArray.length; i++){
			var songlistListener:Object = new Object();
			songlistListener.change = function() {
				//here is where i get stuck!!
	songlist_lb.addEventListener("change", songlistListener);

I have no clue as to how to get this to work. The names of the textboxes are as follows:


Any help from anyone would be helpful!!
