List Component

Hi All-

I have created a game using the Flash list component. I can get everything styled how I want; however, I can’t seem to disable the “selectionColor”. I do not want the list items to be clickable, or highlight at all if a user happens to click on them. Is there a way to turn off the selectionColor, or perhaps at least set the alpha to 0? I was able to successfully turn the “rollOver” off by setting it to “false”, but not the “selectionColor”. Here are the following things I have tried:

setStyle(“selectionColor”, none); —> defaults to halo green
setStyle(“selectionColor”, transparent); —> defaults to halo green
setStyle(“selectionColor”, false); —> this turns the selection black when clicked
setStyle(“selectionColor”, 0); —> this turns the selection black when clicked

Any help would be greatly appreciated! It’s so frustrating because I don’t want the list items to be clickable, yet haven’t been able to come up with a working solution for this. I am officialy perplexed. :-/

