Ok basically i wana make a list box and when u click somethign in the list box it shows a thumbnailed image and a caption under it. i found this script which i think is the script im lookin for
var loadText = new LoadVars();
loadText.onLoad = function(success) {
if (success) {
var listArray = loadText.listdata.split(’,’), i; //split the content of txt file into an array
for (i=0; i<listArray.length; i++) {
list.addItem(listArray*); //pass the values stored in the array to the listbox
} else {
list.addItem(“Error loading contents!”);
function myHandler(component) {
var which = list.getSelectedItem().label;//set which item is selected
var subData = new LoadVars();
subData.onLoad = function(success) {
if (success) {
contenttb.text = this[which];//search the txt file for the correspondent info
imgsp.loadScrollContent(which+".jpg");//load correspondent image
} else {
contenttb.text = “Error loading sub data!”;
but im not very good with action script and its liek jibberish to me lol. could someone explain to me what is what? like where do i put the list box items, where i put the image, where i put the caption and such. if someone could help me with this id b :bu:
ok i thnik i found a code i need to put in my script but i dont konw where to put it. heres my code:
var loadText = new LoadVars();
loadText.onLoad = function(success) {
if (success) {
var listArray = loadText.listdata.split(’,’), i; //split the content of txt file into an array
for (i=0; i<listArray.length; i++) {
list.addItem(listArray*); //pass the values stored in the array to the listbox
} else {
list.addItem(“Error loading contents!”);
function myHandler(component) {
var which = list.getSelectedItem().label;//set which item is selected
var subData = new LoadVars();
subData.onLoad = function(success) {
if (success) {
contenttb.text = this[which];//search the txt file for the correspondent info
imgsp.loadScrollContent(which+".jpg");//load correspondent image
} else {
contenttb.text = “Error loading sub data!”;
and it said i put this in:
textboxInstanceName.html = true;
//If you are using the loadText.onLoad = function(),
then replace the following line with the following:
var loadText = new LoadVars();
loadText.onLoad = function(success) {
if (success) {
var listArray = loadText.listdata.split(','), i; //split the content of txt file into an array
for (i=0; i<listArray.length; i++) {
list.addItem(listArray*); //pass the values stored in the array to the listbox
} else {
list.addItem("Error loading contents!");
function myHandler(component) {
var which = list.getSelectedItem().label;//set which item is selected
var subData = new LoadVars();
subData.onLoad = function(success) {
if (success) {
contenttb.html = true;
contenttb.htmlText = this[which];//search the txt file for the correspondent info
imgsp.loadScrollContent(which+".jpg");//load correspondent image
} else {
contenttb.text = "Error loading sub data!";