Listbox problem in Flash-PHP form

This is probably a silly question, but I’m relatively inexperienced and could really use somebody’s help. I feel like I’m so close it’s really frustrating me that I can’t just get it to work!

I have a form with various lines, radio buttons, and a listbox. Everything works except that it only displays one selection from the listbox, even if they select more.

In my top frame I have this:
//create listener object
listListener = new Object();
//create change function
listListener.change = function(productsBox) {
//create a user choice variable
userChoice =;
//add the listener to the listbox component
productsBox.addEventListener(“change”, listListener);

In the next frame down I have this:
stop ();
sendBtn.onRollOver = function ()
sendBtn.onRollOut = function ()
//create a loadvars object
var sendLoad = new LoadVars();
var receiveLoad = new LoadVars();
sendBtn.onRelease = function ()
sendLoad.the_title = the_title.text;
sendLoad.the_name1 = the_name1.text;
sendLoad.the_name2 = the_name2.text;
sendLoad.the_dept = the_dept.text;
sendLoad.the_address = the_address.text;
sendLoad.the_address2 = the_address2.text;
sendLoad.the_city = the_city.text;
sendLoad.the_state = the_state.text;
sendLoad.the_zip = the_zip.text;
sendLoad.the_country = the_country.text;
sendLoad.the_phone = the_phone.text;
sendLoad.the_phone2 = the_phone2.text;
sendLoad.the_fax = the_fax.text;
sendLoad.the_email = the_email.text;
sendLoad.the_message = the_message.text;
sendLoad.contactpref = contactGroup.getValue();
sendLoad.customerstatus = customerGroup.getValue();
sendLoad.products = userChoice;
if (the_name1.text == “”)
name1Dynamic.textColor = “0xFF0000”;
name1Dynamic.text = “Name Req.”;
else if (the_name2.text == “”)
name2Dynamic.textColor = “0xFF0000”;
name2Dynamic.text = “Name Req.”;
else if (the_dept.text == “”)
deptDynamic.textColor = “0xFF0000”;
deptDynamic.text = “Dept/Co. Req.”;
else if (the_address.text == “”)
addressDynamic.textColor = “0xFF0000”;
addressDynamic.text = “Address Req.”;
else if (the_city.text == “”)
cityDynamic.textColor = “0xFF0000”;
cityDynamic.text = “City Req.”;
else if (the_state.text == “”)
stateDynamic.textColor = “0xFF0000”;
stateDynamic.text = “State Req.”;
else if (the_zip.text == “”)
zipDynamic.textColor = “0xFF0000”;
zipDynamic.text = “Zip Req.”;
else if (the_country.text == “”)
countryDynamic.textColor = “0xFF0000”;
countryDynamic.text = “Country Req.”;
else if (the_phone.text == “”)
phoneDynamic.textColor = “0xFF0000”;
phoneDynamic.text = “Phone Req.”;
else if (the_email.text == “”)
emailDynamic.textColor = “0xFF0000”;
emailDynamic.text = “Email Req.”;
else if (the_message.text == “”)
messageDynamic.textColor = “0x0000FF”;
messageDynamic.text = “How may we help you?”;
sendLoad.sendAndLoad(“blanketyblank.php”, receiveLoad);
} // end if

I tried changing selectedItem to selectedItems but that just results in undefined when I test it. What am I missing?? :cry3: