i see a lot of site that have a orety kewl listbox… how the hell did they do that?.. cos i tryed to style the Flash stanaard listbox but somehow the scrollbar and backgound of the listbox stays and is’nt changed? :trout:
Make sure your listbox has an instance name, for example ‘myListBox’:
myListBox.setStyleProperty("arrow", 0x70AD52);
myListBox.setStyleProperty("face", 0xE9F2E6);
myListBox.setStyleProperty("scrollTrack", 0xD6E7CD);
myListBox.setStyleProperty("shadow", 0x8FC17D);
myListBox.setStyleProperty("darkshadow", 0x012258);
myListBox.setStyleProperty("highlight3D", 0x8FC17D);
for more properties hit Shift+F1 >> Flash UI Components >> FStyleFormat >> Properties